Friday, July 10, 2009

BRA DOLLs done as Prayer Dolls

Here are a couple of dolls that have gone from being BRA DOLLs for Cancer Awareness to Prayer Bra Dolls Healing Gifts. They were made as a "round robin" project on DollStreet and given to people who are dealing with serious illness. These are two dolls that Paulette Carr and Doug and Barb Keeling took on.
Paulette has a good friend KAT who is once again battling Cancer. So we took one of the Mom Mouse BRA DOLL patterns and did her a really cute doll. Paulette send us the darling body she had made, Doug did the face, Barb took on the head, and hair and tiny ears cut out of the side of the bra. This went back to Paulette, and she added the fuffy skirt, arms. legs and tail. Love the belt for the skirt which is the BRA strap. Way cute idea Paulette. Know that this will cheer up Kat. We are all cheering for you Kat.

The doll in works is another Mouse doll pattern turned into a bunny. Doug did the face, Barb took on the body and rose flower bikini and bra, Pauette, did those way cool arms and hands, put on the neat-o bunny ears which are bra cups. She will polish off the doll with finishing touches and it will go to a friend in the hospital who needs some serious cheering.

This is the first time Doug and I have played dolls doing a "round robin" and it was such fun to share doll creative play with such a great artist as Paulette Carr.

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